Tuesday 16 March 2010

water drup photography

To shoot waterdruplets all you need is a camera, water and a background ;-) No just kidding.

You need a good setup to create nice shots.

I always use a big bowl ( glass) to shoot my druplets. Under the bowl i place a colored sheet of paper. You can use any color. For the background i use the same colored paper. I hang a bottle of water above the bowl.
Pearce a little hole in the butom and take of the cap ( to create an even stream ) Use a daylight lamp for the head light and a maglight for background lighting. Don't forget your tripod.
I always set my camera to manual. This so i am in total control. I use a pensil to determine my focus point.
Aperture 4-8. Shutter 1/1-1/50 (depends on the movement you want)
If the shuttertime is under the 1/30 you can use a flash.
This shot above is shot with the folowing specs:
Aperture 6
Shutter 1/1 sec
Background light